
As a company, we are an equal opportunities employer, so that when you come to work for us, we don’t care of your skin colour, your politics, your religion, disability, nor your sexuality.  Here at Mark Andrew Smith Limited, you are safe.

Mark Smith, the company founder, has long said that he is colour blind, but has perfect eye sight.  Indeed, he has extended this that he is LGBTQ+ friendly. He is a Methodist (Christian) and has happily worked alongside all.

In the IT sector in general, there are many gay, trans or straight people performing a variety of technology roles.  Here at Mark Andrew Smith Limited, we simply care that you can do the role assigned, and that you can do it without any fear or hindrance.

All employees are expected to maintain this policy and high standard of ethical tolerance as part of our wider corporate social responsibility.

We expect all organisations asking for help to match our high ethical standards.